So there's a after and before photo of what happened to my screen, which I guess the green screen should go second, but it doesn't matter, for now.
Well, one day, being the ninja I am, I decided to try to juggle my power cord, a piece of watermelon, my laptop, a phone and a book, well, I can say I dropped the phone on purpose, that was fine and next thing you know, I accidently dropped my laptop, which you see what happened. It took a while to get it fixed after trial and error of handling my laptop. I was kind of devastated about what happened since I'm online almost everyday for a few hours, pretty sad, but I like learning and viewing Youtube. [ 2 ]
I guess, I can now go back to posting, more often.
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Well, one day, being the ninja I am, I decided to try to juggle my power cord, a piece of watermelon, my laptop, a phone and a book, well, I can say I dropped the phone on purpose, that was fine and next thing you know, I accidently dropped my laptop, which you see what happened. It took a while to get it fixed after trial and error of handling my laptop. I was kind of devastated about what happened since I'm online almost everyday for a few hours, pretty sad, but I like learning and viewing Youtube. [ 2 ]
I guess, I can now go back to posting, more often.
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LMAO, did you really decide to juggle with your laptop? Followed just for that fact.
ReplyDeletewow man! might not want to try juggling your laptop in future ahah! impressive damage.
ReplyDeleteXD I mean, I wasn't trying to juggle them in the air, but I tried to carry it several items with me. As soon as I was putting down my laptop I decided to drop my phone so I wouldn't drop my laptop. Ironically, boom, my laptop fell as it juggled in my hands and arms.
ReplyDeleteI eventually fixed it.. xD
OUCH i would hate to not be able to use my computer/laptop next time dun be ninja :P
ReplyDeleteIt's funny you said that because last week I actually dropped my laptop and completely broke the screen.
ReplyDeletejuggling a watermelon sounds... impossible lol
ReplyDeleteHaha, better use juggling balls next time! ;D Followed just for that funny post :D
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the legion of broken laptops that cost more to fix than theyre worth now :(